Thursday, July 1, 2010

Port-de-Bras/Love and Dictatorship

If you are carrying
A fire-----arm > you
will find reason< to use it (Just like
if you are carrying a child, you will
find freedoms
to love him (through
[He places his bets with the errors, and the errors wager galaxies] asking

What is the difference between an excuse and a reason; it must be something huge and invisible (you always find excuses first

(indivisible with liberty and
...deliberately, ready, begin, show me your empty hands and the ritual beating system

She practiced
her new voice into seashells and barrels

"he couldn't see how the idea of an arrow (love's terrorism) turning into a missile (war's hymnal air) could have come from someone from Far Rockaway. [He thought] it should have [come from] somebody from the dead in the culture, from the hierarchy" Yard, these are your ears, thus these are your era, E's Flat, Oz flat too, (as an African gold mine

It lilted, ( looted) it fell into fuel and move ' a new line of Writing-proof trains, made-in-Japan'

Around this time we began developing the notion that Writing was actually an act of war, historia Hiro-she-ma, hero, mon amour'' take your share of the hysteria but don't stare at the company,
for too long

There reached a point where you didn't need to kill a person (to like a person)

and went [to an auction] instead, bid on everything but him, bid on gold and diamonds and fires, emeralds, his tie, bold copper going green in the wet arms of a slice of sea...looking-gladly put-out of its allegiance

(the letters have left the page, and once they went up, they had better be willing to fly)