Thursday, April 8, 2010
Man From the Avenue/Canvass Sky Treaty
Armistice starts with a chime, water imitating land. This is how he'd lure me, from superstition toward reaching in my purse.. Proud-national-mine, nova of a man, acrobat, minister, showoff kind
Are you radioactive?
I'm in a blue series, yes, that shows up as red
Then an old ephemeral headline, send me, I'll go (messenger blues), vaudeville magician levitates envelope (telegram blues), so what (so what blues)
where the tone is not unremittingly sullen or... it's too unusual to be so sad,
Yet, rogue as it is, kneecap splitting with business pitched into vicinities rotating like the pact between laughter and obedience, makes you a statistic, a pimp monument to my indifference to monuments
And being still is equivalent wearing a tophat on stage in the wind
And keeping still is a form of winter; the forced compulsion twins have to mirrors and averages
Clinging to one another like threats, if there were such a rescue to covet, like reputations, (public gardens), turning green into green integer, kneejerk
The explanation is a question, is a quantum. How great. How much of love is light, how much light is enough, why is the envelope still in the air like a tightrope beneath your foot, your root, are you flying that means, does that mean the river is moving, does that mean you are flying
To hide the hustler from his hustle: Flinging the compass made of (4) Chryslers crashing into one another like the sad ice on perfect teeth if it were to start melting or meaning a higher priced green is business that would be my team's pool made of guilty minerals, playing cards breezing under a dealer's thumb,
the hardest things I've come to(o) tender
the heart is things I've come to tender
The armistice, the chime, the sinnerman, listener man, lord listener, the blue series, the twins, the mere, club mirrors, the hihat, the liar, the oracle, the one with the short wrist, the photosynthesis of paper into purpose, the decorative clovers, the deck of spades, my decadence, my radiance, mine