Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Why does the night last so long?

Because you did not fly high enough.  Oh. Okay. What does it mean to redeem the dead? Flying high into a gasp of fog and coming back with language. Oh. Okay. What language? Okay. It's been a lot like black english in the midday span. What do you mean? Glamorous, fast fists of grain. Okay, good. Why is glamor important? All that malt liquor in your gut needs someone to imagine/water/nerve/or mother.  And trust. Why do you fly so high? And land with the night like a child star. And trust. And light up on rugged words. Because you ain't seen me right. You ain't seen me, right? I ate so much gold I could see the eternal sphinx smiling through a like/ness. I love my ghetto oracle. I love the risks we're souls of