Everybody's dead, so they can finally say what's really on their minds
Rhyme you outta jail in time to steal your rhymes
How they love to use dialectics in a way to make you feel things that are not true
Like reticence stretches into abandon on the skin of confidence or confident desperation the difference
between life and death is finally coming into question, in the most optimistic way the plague is finally Immortality
Break for war
Break for epidemic
Break for race card I am a woman woman is the nigger of the world break into her for her what forest of motives this sure thing
Remember the time when we fell in love / break for Michael Jackson
Jesse Jackson is full of shit, break for him in the break for satisfaction happy cantaloupe / island break for nourishment
Never give a sucker and even break ever even in the break for courtship
break for judgement caught you a case break for winning glove as vague as breaking with tradition what does that bullshit even mean / break for translation you put it down and I pick it up again by the time the tongue the miner's silent confession breaks for someone's mother breaks to blame her to point somewhere like forever and break it into images savages salvaged made up of the thoughts you made up of the vibrations that were made into you is to make up infinite future and break for life slave / wife correlation breaks for massa's rape at sundown 1700 and something forsaken and someday far later in an earlier way this great mind violator meeting violated in the middle with a tender smile of misrecognition (oneness) tilted like prey and prayer away from the mercy to call it forward all, Haven't you heard?