Thursday, August 25, 2016

Worksong 1

After eating burger king for three days straight while trying to finish an album my father had an attack of pancreatitis and had to stay in the hospital for three days.  On the seventh day we rested. He packed the car and left Hollywood and his newest and last recording deal, and we drove to Iowa and bought a house across the street from his mother's. He ate grapes and watermelon for three days straight and taught us how to crush the bitter seeds with our teeth and eat those too, the true nutrition in the fruit is concentrated its seed. Bosses aren't known for their laxity. At certain angles we look like statues and others the elaborate kinesis of breathing patents our astral duty. Don't be afraid to discuss blackness around white people. Even the time burger king almost killed you and saved your life. Supernatural messages stacked into form. How the size of your nostrils indicates brain development and the seeds the fruit lost make ghosts in your DNA haunting you into uselessness. Don't be afraid to fall so deep in love with yourself you disappear        There are no seeded grapes in Los Angeles and so many narrow noses    And beauty, finally, is about something you know   that only your body can communicate     I know why saviors take the long way home     why the seed tastes sweet even though it's bitter     and how to eat it   even when it's not there