The naked blond barbie is everywhere waldo waldo / so territory so Jay Versace squinting in a barrel of expired ruffles at the army surplus where they house Alameda County homeless and feed them expired food products and bow silently on the way back to townhouses at the way it feels taking to the fields the way it feels to burn them down that thrilling and lifelong hunt for an enemy will paint you will send you somewhere funny to fall to your knees and mime rude pageant gospel or pattie labelle in a different world or shop for hospitable dollhouses The hose is on in a ghostlike way the raggedy white hyundai is so clean a meth head can take it to a fix with the naked blond barbie strapped into the front seat oh baby didn’t I feed you bleach and seagrams didn’t I pull the lint from velcro
Ain’t that crow circling stolen from nabokav give it back baby, return that lullaby like exactly aestheticized sickness to where it burns in you