Saturday, November 25, 2017

A little girl casts her being up through the menace of being that

The    aptitude       for    holding   back         the    erratic    limbs      of   the   defenseless       by  bending     their    frequency  toward   reckoning            makes     her      a       dream.            A     dream     is   a   death wish  inverted. She  makes  you     want     to   live.  #metoo.   A    dream    is   a rambling    valley    full   of   the    horrors   and  obscenities  lurking within  your  personal   utopia,  bitter  and rogue and forgiven.   If   it’s     so     perfect   there   why  are   you    wrecking it  with the   diversion        that  you     are.        If    the   clues    are    unsettled  agonies   and   euphoric     grooves   against   the daggers    of    looking      whose    sight   are  you   testing    with   the    blind   man   you  said you    love.  Why   is there a towel  in     the   flowers.   My  hands   don’t fit    around   his  neck   but  they   fit   around   his    reckless  cock like cloaks and lords,  so there.   And   there.   He  won’t     even   give   up   dairy    when   I    tell him  it’s    why   he    can’t    breathe.    Not  just   the  police,    though   they    have    an  ivory green    hand     in    it        not    just     the   open    fist   I   render    round    his   adam   in    a     dream,       his    means     of     telling     his   subconscious    he  wants    to    survive      he  wants     to   be    punished     he    wants     an    assassin       as   if   he’s    earned   anything     so    generous.  He   wants   an   accomplice.   Maafa      :   as       dreamed   up   as    the  god   in   machine.     She’s   a   dream  of   his   dream    of   her    dreaming       a promise  that   sleep  is long gone    as   the   stars   flaunt and  fawn    the   darkness  for admitting  to them.   We   are  not,    never    have  been     secrets.     Not even   when   we   see  killing    and    saving     as     the same     heathen   in them.   Not   even    when     we   break   a  man   into   a  god    just  to  prove   god   is    dead    again.   And the devil  he invented  is  so   emotional  about  himself  as   we  go    on   being  his   most honest   mirror.   A   man  who  can’t   really    be   evil  can’t    really   be   good.    A  woman   too.     Do   you   believe   that?