This Reddit forum on vivid dreams is turning into blackness lessons live coaching bitch that’s what money do
Thought the drone was a hawk again now we’re talking about clones and fancy lemons a sophisticated brand of stretch pants saved my life Night and Day weaponized the sun
Ficus Ficus Ficus Ficus if it itches if it fights if it eats at Sizzler Happily ever?
Hard candy in a bush like a poisonous mushroom or permission to run but she sits still in silhouette and smiles and the children inherit the bomb shelter the butterscotch Bell Hook’s car collection there’s a lot of them
See an ancient baby bird beautifully encased in Amber I don’t see her I see a man’s inertia
Nature is anti-capitalist propaganda a burden of knowledge actually jade tree jade tree ace of spades in a jungle of loosies and you berrating a dome of lungs in these longest broken tongues