This time traveling beyond language was a survival vigil hold mechanism at bay but also the chance in it the chant me(chan) summon this time all of your agency at infancy you fancy this time almonds and the crease in the air on the altar cowards whispering their prayers at babies we say resurrection this way and some are shamed into surrender and some coerced and some just don’t remember the song of themselves come back to learn it over anterior return retinue it burns in the new bodies of stars of cannibal roses
And the the titled heave of any ultrasound meme is getting around like a rumor and rummaging through the sun’s belongings I don’t see so much of a difference between ownership and hysteria I don’t see these things as different things and my sense of pleasure is in cherishing the perverse unity of speechlessness and forever this way the way the womb does hug its phantoms in tom toms and Rosecrans / normandie not the one in France not to outlaw digression but to long for the line of sight from purchase to loss of will and let it recoil: a healing