Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Recovered Liner Notes to Hampton Hawes' Universe

I soldiered, I soldiered

You see this spoon/Her eyes installed like cartwheels on sharp grass
Cured of any desire to voluntarily enter
a desert again

You see this moan/Bossa nova shaped and pursed
with the radiance that carves itself out of ofays' stares--
a pressure that mends my character

short, of senseless, my interpretation of an airforce suntan comes out the color
of limpid Los Angeles smog or Hampton Hawes' gorgeous crimped seventoned ebony/wind you'll have a terrible time smothering my clarity

On adagios the bass is supposed to swell/dislocated and comfortable

like I was a civilian, a Sevener too, clean: how
you're the reason
I stay clean just looking clean

I heard a rumor about more earth or that
the universe is expanding and
you're the reason
I stay clean just looking clean