Monday, November 15, 2010

From the Committee on Tiecooning: A Manifesto

To keep our ghettos autonomous and pure
To keep our monuments in the ghetto
To keep our teeth felt and gold
To teach the metallic autumn a smile
can assimilate to anything, but not a soul so- sold
To keep our gods high on dope
To keep the word guessing at its own meaning--
If you were told to pick yourself out of a lineup, who would you choose
To let them believe they got by with something
Besides desire (the heron sits immovable for hours, then in a split second..
Besides longing
To let them believe they deserve something
more kinetic than self-destruction, to put them out of their vicarious
To keep our minds unmediated by the mind's over-vernacular having the reclusive charisma of an attack on all, and nothing
The private relief at their disapproval
How slow we have to run some intervals
To let them understand, that this is a fight without quarter
and we are very fast