Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Grits and Hominy

Sacred garden is to carpet as cinema is to an absolute/ break with traditional time

in which we never stop building up and topping our own

summit, soma, summa cum laude

heteroclite objects

another real space, as perfect, as meticulous

Which we think we enter, but from which we are excluded by the very fact that we enter

An avenue set

A boulevard set



A hierarchy of tombs

Until the rediscovery of Dionysian life abolishes time in the mode of the festival

Sophisticated sorrow

Juvenile so-so

A Nile,

or so-so

We are inaccessible to its ravages, its principals, princes, prances, series, tresses, grids, pharaohs, pennants, you're perfect, proof of vestigial seasons, you perfect forgetting as the highest form of memory.

Espionage will not take the place of adventure, police will not take the place of pirates

in this overcrowded neighborhood by the sigh, we laugh the wide business its narrow passages into no where is