Sunday, April 17, 2011

Heterotopic Phrases

Can you lend a nigga a pencil
or some kind of ritual

I am speaking. I am singing. Must have sung all day

Can you lend a nigga pencil, now. The sun is a kind ritual. Is it called "Chicken Run" or "Chicken Don't Run," band. Either way, I'll stay, maybe join and play the triangle. Cause that reminds me of the delta. Southern chivalry. All the love. All the luck. What does it mean for the army ("to many young musicians, today's army is an attractive, meaningful alternative to a job or career in civilian life," the ad read, a chance to travel) if I shred their banner wiggling in the air like loose barricades after a blast, and saying something triumphant about some blind ritual like Good Morning, Sunshine, I ain't the cat y'all saw yesterday Please don't climb those ladders