Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Roll Call of Returning Troops (Cruciform)

(Manifests weariness) Both personal and national

None of the sadness was surreal

Some of it was a fashion. Walk that way in this dress, on some prairie home companion

Some of it was a way to listen: ecstatically, but not let him notice just how happy

She was aloof

She was me, professionally, her. He was her, lucky (manifests what-if I never came back

Which crosses you, which covers you, fret, fact, a useless question, here I am again

Leadership. Code, for run. There I ran again

Every man in the shape of a cross, misses it at the last minute, crumples, takes a pill or hilltop for how they say don't mistake the moon for the finger you use to keep pointing at it. Telescope, telepath, tattered repetition

For the pleasure of never knowing exactly what it is, in the shape of a calling that lets a prayer mean everything but its reason

The sheet was blank a document, proctored by (no regrets) to stop itself before becoming a record

To be drawn toward.. What is a public space anymore, what ways we stay home