Before vessels there were halos ; succulent with motors and scooting around the devoted like the bones of good dealers, and before vowels /\ the polite wheel
of voids almost deviant but saved delivered hoisted to the
center of a word like first seed in a maneuvering of views
toward the bluest dream of you of I of I am of I/ambic of I amber of I myrrh of I mercy of a sea of murders and bleach
of I saved for all seeing as I hurry to the deed like a
child healed in the land of the lamb by the wheeling drum circle hero we rose
by the feeling of purple along the will of I will of I
wheel of I willing of it thus that their is no thief of us
that we were never captured that we are here on purpose of I lurk of I wild of us all /shielded of the myth of
a negro past where we were savage / it is a compliment/ their drab folly
for the savage are saved and of eye rise into the void as
saviors ourselves
I've started to take more still lifes, like a police photographer, for the inverse of shatter,
collecting evidence as a witness. I've started to borrow a different
strategy than that of the classic
maybe that is it So harrowing so harrowing what a
difference a wing makes in a row of hands pounding the
snare like kings and kingfishers and sure shots // sure to
make your body rock and now the metal emits all seven sounds and
we're flying just as high and rogue , black and yellow style gods in
a mellow tone all young melanin and chrome been so real like the
unknown unseen clone in the mirror real like to call your own name is
to crawl across the hall of mirrors and only see what you hear
and it is good that way no more weary blues and no fear of them high tide in the waiting room weightless
and firm stay that strange angel crowding the world with zone
ecstatic and mundane in the same home of plain value And make
sense of that, be the zodiac of bait and of tackle, bull and marrow, bloodstone and the Pharaoh's Dance in the pace of because we can, everyday