Friday, September 27, 2013
Mulatto Woman Reappropriates Reality
Is the ghost (the thing we call when we hug a G in the
invisible/indivisible with liberty and,) a confused angel , must be.
Speaking through a notion of immortality that could become a neurosis if
you're too careful. And I don't care to focus there or there, gee what
character we invent for the dark, and I'm not the toy boat keeled on a
lego in your pale red childhood. What blood he gave I collected and
painted a laughing balloon on the way up. It drifts and pops and
decorates the rain with consciousness. I got this letter in the mail
from a man calling himself... and answering himself. Is there internet
in prison? I don't mean to be insensitive. There must be some incentive
to shove an orange in the oracle's mouth and decode the eyes instead but
is the ghost a criminal for misusing the fruit of incentive, or
whatever. The or whatever is there in a solid gold smile, to express my
mistrust of intensity, which only proves an ambivalence we want to
convince ourselves out of. True love is the calmest thing like a
calamity that never announces itself except through calm. The frenzy is
fear of love. He went in between (them) like a sound or heroine. I've
never tried it but I can imagine better than you can live. And I'm in
love's position. Also cradling an apple in bed first thing, thinking
about it. And I can think better than you can live. Live with it. Is the
ghost a risk you didn't take that haunts like cupcakes to beautiful fat
bitches. It feels great to say bitches and be a woman. Not derogatory
at all. Purgatory preys on your phony misguided morals. Bitches wanna
fight themselves through a tunnel of sunshine. Sounds like the ghost's a
hunter disguised in sun god. I got this letter in the mail from the one
who claims to be my... quietness I started to reply, hello, your quietness, but that felt too appropriate. Everything is appropriate. Everything is so appropriate. See how the so changes everything... Focus on the apple and the whole room gains a dispassionate green, a moment of exploration, eyes flickering like machines, what beautiful machines! I'm learning the difference.