Thursday, December 5, 2013

Karma and Desire

Are often confused

look at you, lucky you

(A fable in your hue and your man smiles on q and you hide in the view like a gold grill waiting to be beautiful/on display, lazy as certainty, easy as doubt. Shining is disappearing if you/(don't) think about it. And indifference is heroic when it's exuberant too, so it's contradiction that's heroic, don't let them fool you. The light hurts like perfect sex with another woman's husband and the guilt we pretend and the next time it'll be different. How we get everything we learn not to want. How learning can never be deliberate much less ironic much less than silence he listens to me bribe him to leave and stays. Promises are almost as crazy as they seem, which is what it takes to survive this scene, to be mistaken for yourself in a dream.