Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The snow's a trembling goat

In the name of distraction. So what. We all know a damp nose by candlelight glowing like a master plan or the master's plan to go  'head on and buy white land. And in the middle of transforming they'll think what's the big deal about sky animals, why not tremble and pose on earth for a while/longer. Eternity is born that way. Strong and casual turn in the quest toward weather and its spirit doors and everybody's born that way. I adore them.

I mentioned our archives before. The touch the feel of cotton, the fabric of our lives. But I'm not one to tremble over letters and. I'm an American. My favorite pain is freedom. If it weren't for race all of us overeducated types would turn to god and watch our fathers disappear in peace with no one to blame but themselves. What I'm meaning to say is. A mirage is more patient than a mistake. The word more evokes the word importance but importance is a business, but the Moors were essential to it. Like the Sufis, and other mystics switching from mistakes to dreams is next. And Existentialism gets wasted on the difference. Between the desert and the crib, and we    have it made. Manufactured. Broken a couple of years later just to utter the word new which waits for just you to say it, just now, just the way it enters the air like a disinterested wheel of fortune. Always true to your fashion. Even when you're at the crib alone recording the footsteps of soldiers who could just be pimps. Miles Davis was a pimp for a while. We have it made. The more we confuse crime and freedom the more animals we freeze in their tracks. Or Adidas track suits. Show me some identification. And they pull out the sun.