Friday, December 12, 2014
Alchemy at Daybreak
Wake up craving terror and Buckminster Fuller is there on a trapeze and rapture as majestic as torture was yesterday, as yearning as one love one lo ove Marley singing while his skin betrays him his sun betrays, his many women stay, which is betrayal for what he is capable of is too obscenely just to be human or imminent two pieces of one : what of it he mutters like an apparition disappears walking and clapping into the spotlight's past black gimmick glowing with absence and merchandise. He was practically sauntering whisking the spell into song and some sublime apathy as the searing fix of babble becomes the one valve of clarity do we fear ourselves becoming whole. If only we were all a little crazier more soul just to enough to say what we aren't thinking how lonely it is to overcome ourselves and the choreographed oppression mellower and more comfortable some days I'm tired of the resin in every great black preacher's voice, the perfect sanctimony of manhood is better pimps are better than holy men at convincing me of anything worth risking the illusion of duality against but you'd be surprised how many of them pump the resin at daybreak