Decapitated on the cover but still looks a touch naive department store glaze in the eyes holding Charlie Murphy’s hand making neapolitan while just up ahead Eddie Murphy enters the wrought iron gate with Arsenio his bodyguard and her friend Bridgette everyone wearing a soft grin and post cold war/ women in the workforce shoulder pads that’s the scene from when my mom was on the cover of the National Enquirer I didn’t ask too many questions I didn’t want to know the answer to Bridgette was a single mom at the time also but between that affair with Eddie Murphy and how they beat her up real bloody that night for calling him a bitch in front of his groupies and slipping on some melted ice on the floor at a Marina Del Rey Cheesecake Factory that time we all saw Millie Vanilli at valet she was able to call Gloria Alred and ended up with a beautiful new house in Glendale for her and her son. There are so many ways to be dignified. So many ofays to call when the story breaks
So many ways to be saved.