Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mingling/Company Blues

Words in the end aspire toward speechlessness and

No– I will not give up nothingness, from the cruel one's feet to the shy one's heart to the utter forgetfulness of motion, fastened like fast sin where rejoice quickens when anguish quickens

We start to get his measure
We start to take his breath
We slow down or speed up to meet it

Let it inflate our memories
without testimony

I don't wanna take alotta time cause I wanna get into Hell,
(which is the next tune)

And also, cause it's a lie
A troubling excess of necessity
Get yourself together
Everyone is a gypsy now
Everyone is searching for his tribe
The error flees before the chaste nymph's eyes
I think I'll leave it at that, cause I wanna get in