Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Élan Vital (Mesmerizing Niggas)

Cause it's like a big dream. Cause she's on the dream plane. They've found a way to turn even the the safe zones at the end of Alice Coltrane's Prema into commercials and advertisements for Home Depot and shit no one ever cared about but everyone did in bouts of situational play me for the herd, mercy hurts like pretense, relief would be too intense sometimes, our nerves shattered and reinvented as moods we apply to all this terribly imperative information. For example Martin Luther King's closest friend said Martin  used to use the church collections money to hire white prostitutes and beat them silly at sex parties like the cops did his women in those peaceful protests. If there's no such thing as justice then why don't they make commercials about this so I don't have to read about it casually in between buying heirloom seeds and sandals, look out the window and a lonely g pictures his life as the yuppie couple across the street walking their german shepherd at 6AM and denial is the only organizing principal we all soldiers for the war on our own naturalness not that it should have come naturally to King to think in every direction at once but because that's what niggas do     that's what heroes do      that's the dewy rosehued flesh of a true day in the morning